Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Dig Vijay Singh try him for sedition-treason then hang him

Dig Vijay Singh try him for sedition-treason then hang him

Posted by Robby Sharma 02-06-2011,

  1. Mr Digvijay Singh it seems has gone mad, every day the media covers some new nonsensical ravings by this Sonia-Rahul Confidante.
  2. He is also a khisiyani Billi having failed to dislodge the BJP for the second consecutive election from MP, which he claims to be his fiefdom.
  3. He rejoices with Terrorists in Azamgarh, supports the Batla House Terrorists in one breadth and every second day threatens to send Mayawati, Baba Ram Dev and Anna Hazare to Jail.
  4. May be he takes pride in his blue blood lineage but believe me there is no pride in being born in a royal family in India under the Muslim/ Moghal Emperors or for that matter under the British.
  5. The Muslim/ Moghul Emperors and their Cohorts had to fight the general public and could Rape the womenfolk of the general public only after killing the Men folk and in majority of cases, the Womenfolk committed Johar by jumping in to Fire while the shameless Kings used to send their Daughters on a Platter to the Emperors as gifts, there are hundreds of examples similar to Jodha Bai , who was given as an offering by her family to Akbar so that they could continue on their thrones.
  6. Under the British too, only those Kings remained in power who sold their Countrymen to the British and helped the British during the 1857 Revolution.
  7. So Mr Digvijay Singh there is nothing for you to be proud of. You share the lineage of the Shameless Kings and now you are nothing but a slave of Sonia and Rahul who keeps on wagging his tail to please his Masters. Their Silence on your ravings means that they too share your pro-terrorists and pro- Corruption thoughts.