Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Is GOD Strong?
Yes. He is the Strongest.
Is he noble and merciful?
No I do not think so.
What is HE then?
HE is Evil.
No Parent will allow his offspring to eat his siblings but in GOD’s creation everybody is eating everybody else and even at the Time of creation GOD said so that HE has made everybody as food for everybody else.
If they do not eat others then how will they then die? There will be no place left for others.
Well for that GOD has many means. HE can send some more floods, more Sunamis, more Earthquakes. HE has made all life so perishable it ages, it breaks, it can fall to death, it can drown,there are so many other ways you know.
Then it will rot and there will be an awful stench.
Oh HE could have made such changes so that there was no stench.
But there will be disease due to rotting Corpses.
Could HE then not improve it so that there is no Disease from Rotting Corpses.
All right what will you eat then? What will the Lion Eat? What will the Shark eat?
Well we could all eat or Survive on Air or water now could HE not make such minor improvements?
Why do all Religions then preach that GOD is merciful?
Because the strong have always ruled the Earth and they have never liked to share with the masses as such it is convenient for them to blame the misery of the masses on their Karma and the crumbs that they leave for the masses to be the bounty of either the Rulers or the merciful GOD.
The Preaching’s have been carried forward by Kings. Buddhism by Ashoka; Islam-By the Caliphs of Baghdad and Barbaric Tribes of Afghanistan: Christianity –By Constantine: and being Kings they could never claim that they followed some one who was not Strong as well as Merciful.
Now all these are Religions started in the last two thousand years. What happened to the older ones? Why were new ones needed if people were so happy and GOD was merciful ?
Why do we cause so much harm to nature? Why are we so cruel?
Nature is crueler it can cause a billion fold destruction in seconds than that which we can cause to it in a Billion years.
What do we do then?
We can learn to take only as much from nature as is really needed without wasting any thing and we should learn to share. May be that is the purpose for which newer and newer religions have been coming in to this world but they have all failed because of the greed and Ego of Men.
Who made them greedy?
GOD did.
HE could have made him merciful.
Actually HE did. Man is more merciful than GOD.
What else can we do?

We can pray to GOD to be merciful as we have been doing for ages ? If HE was already Merciful then we would not have to remind HIM daily.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ram Prasad Bismil- Betrayed by Congree Luminaries

Ram Prasad Bismil-Betrayed by Congress

Extract from my Letter dated-26-03-2006 to Law Minister- Titled -India’s Judiciary-Government’s Harem
Posted in July on this blog-
Sir during the British period when corruption was not so rampant in other departments, even at that time the legal profession left much to be desired, take the case of The great Indian freedom fighter Ram Prasad Bismil:-his case was in appeal under the Title Ram Prasad v Emperor…I now Quote from the judgment of the appeal (refer to A.I.R 1927 Oudh 369 (1) ….page-375… “the three appellants Ram Prasad, Rajendra Nath Lahiri and Raushan Singh, who were sentenced to death subject to confirmation by this Court, became entitled, under a practice of the local Government which has been in force for some years, to legal assistance at the expense of the Crown. The appellants, who had not been sentenced to death, were not under this practice entitled to legal assistance at the expense of the Crown. But as a special case the Crown has allowed those, who did not appoint private Counsel, legal assistance & paid for it. Ram Prasad in his petition of appeal, demanded as of right to select his own counsel. He stated that he would only be satisfied if he was represented by a Gentleman called Mr Gobind Ballabh Panth ….. The Crown approached Mr Gobind Ballabh Pant and offered him the brief. He refused to accept it on the fee that the Crown was ready to pay.” Ram Prasad Bismil was sentenced to death & executed & this greedy lawyer, Gobind Ballabh Pant, who had refused to defend the great freedom fighter only because of money went on to become the Home Minister of India & the longest serving Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh & has hundreds of institutions/roads/mohallas named after him…….If you would care to read this judgment further sir you will be ashamed of your party because most of the witnesses against Ram Prasad Bismil were Congressmen. Therefore when such a party assumed power after independence it can well be imagined what sort of system they would put in place.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Are there two souls in a Body?

All over the world Psychics claim to be able to (through mediums) call the souls of persons long dead and are arranging for their interviews with their relatives yet it is a accepted fact atleast in Sanatan Dharm that every soul reincarnates in to a different body and this goes on.Are there then two souls in a body ? One of them after death goes on its further journey of Reincrnation while the other one stays on and is available to communicate with those who have the power to do or arrange for this.Or does at death the Soul divides in to two and one takes rebirth and the other stays on in its own world somewhere in this Universe or beyond .Will somebody please enlighten me.

Mumbai / Indian Metros-Huge Slums-Why?

Mumbai / Indian Cities- Huge Slums
Firstly as far as Cities go the definition of Slum is:-Where the cost of the buildings as compared to the cost of the Land is miniscule. For example in Pali Hill in Mumbai, the cost of Land is anywhere above Rs Two Lakhs a square meter and on a FSI of 1, the ratio of the cost of building(@ 10000/= square meters) to the cost of the Plot works out to 10000/200000=0.5 or 5%. Even if FSI of 2.0 is taken then too this ratio will be only 10 %
In simpler terms a Plot of 1000 square meters will on the FSI of 1.0 yield 1000 square meter of built up area. Therefore the cost of the Land will be—1000 X 200000=20 Crores Cost of 1000 square meters built up area---10000 X 1000 = One Crores making a total of 21 crores. For 2.0 FSI it will be 22 Crores only.Now for the last thirty or forty years the Politicians + Town-Planning department + Builder Mafia has succeeded in turning Mumbai in to a huge Big Slum.
Out of these three, the Town Planners are the worst and most responsible for the present mess. After the British left, all the Town Planners, who were trained by them and worked under them retired and faded away in about 1965 and thereabouts and after them a fresh crop of Town Planners took over who although had the Architecture/Town Planning and Engineering degrees from Colleges but no knowledge of the Laws governing Town Planning with the result that although they were / are capable of planning for Cities on a clean slate (New Cities) but they have managed to convert the Older ones in to Huge Slums.
As a simple example take the case of Density of the area---the single most Important factor in any Town Planning Scheme. During the British Raj at about the end of Nineteenth Century when they started taking active interest in India, its people and its Cities (till the First war of Independence it was the East India Company’s writ which ran large and the British Emperor just looked at India as a Company Asset)they were faced with two problems. One—Improvement of Old congested and unsanitary (hearts ) of the Cities (which being native quarters were built without any proper planning, sewerage system etc over the preceding centuries). Second—Development of New areas and Schemes in a Planned manner including Roads, Water Supply, Railway Infrastructure etc.
The Schemes made by them took in to account the Density of the areas as well as paying capacity of the Citizens The paying capacity of the natives was very low with the result that they could not afford bigger dwellings and Land so the areas of native quarters were densely populated and to counter balance the density of the areas, huge Plots running in to Acres were carved out and allotted to the Rich (who could afford them) but the rider was that they would be able to build only one building (+ servant quarters) and the dwelling units permissible would be only as many as the number of Storey permissible thus in a one acre plot if the Floors permitted was three then only three main dwelling units would be permissible + about two servant quarters /each dwelling unit thus a one acre Bungalow would have only nine dwelling units or in case of two storey building only six. Thus in these Bungalows only about 0.33 to-0.50 FSI was permissible and most importantly the Dwelling units were strictly controlled so that any additional Floor area or FSI would not bestow any right on the owner to make more dwelling units. An increase in FSI would only entitle them to more spacious rooms etc.
Thus if the British, planned for a certain Residential Scheme say of 1000 Acres was to have say- a Nett Residential Density of say 200 Dwelling units (with density of five persons per Dwelling unit ) per Acre, requiring Planning for two lakhs dwelling units, they would plan in such a way that affordable Dwelling units on 500 acres say @ 380 dwelling units per acre are planned accommodating- 1,90,000 Dwelling Units and on the balance 500 acres, 10000 more Dwelling units with a density of say 20 Dwelling units to an acre are planned so that the nett Density of 200,000 dwelling units for the entire Scheme is attained.
Now in such type of Planning, Provisions for Setbacks on all sides was made and thus huge Open Spaces were created in Large Bungalows which were generally used for Plantation purpose by the Owners which were helpful in ventilating the entire area properly. Thus the British were able to Ventilate the area at private cost of the Elite who could afford to, and at the same time, the Planners were able to give affordable Accommodation to the other classes and even then, counter balance the Density.
Generally the Building Lines of the Large Bungalows were set back from the Street line by 20/30/50 feet and even more, so that in case of future needs, to broaden the Arterial Streets, these front setbacks could be easily acquired(being free from buildings). These Setbacks were helpful for Road widening , for Ventilation as well as for prevention of spread of fires and most importantly for Recharging of the Groundwater in a otherwise paved and cemented City. These huge Bungalows also ensured that a given area of the City would have a certain minimum length of roads to control Vehicle density.
That is why you are able to find broad roads in Schemes planned in the thirties and forties although at that time very few owned even a Bicycle and only a handful had Cars. The Planning was so perfect that the roads in these Schemes looked almost deserted even after hundred fold increases in Cars by the Eighties and the Infrastructure was able to withstand the extra load of about double the planned density.
Now the problem is that no Uniform Rebuilding Schemes have been brought in these old Scheme areas or in the City with the result that under the Garb of increase in FSI the Builders are demolishing these Bungalows and using up the Open Spaces and Setbacks also under the Garb of Increase in FSI. The increase in FSI is no problem at all in fact I recommend a still higher FSI but the catch is that nobody is paying any heed to the MAXIMUM number of dwelling Units thus the Density standards are being infringed by as much as ten times in these Bungalows thus upsetting the entire Density standards of the Scheme Area as a whole. In simpler terms- in Rebuilding activities a Bungalow of say One Acre which earlier had only between 6 to 9 dwelling units (with nett density of Twenty dwelling Units to an acre in an area having Bungalows of varied sizes) has as many as two hundred now.
On top of it the majority of Buildings being constructed by demolishing old buildings in Bombay do not meet the fire safety standards. They do not have the minimum six meters clear Open area all around (increasing with increase in the height of the Building ) the building and in case of buildings situated in narrow alleys, the Fire Engine can not even reach. In fact it is not at all possible to meet the Fire safety norms in small plots of 500/700/1000 square meters. The only way it is possible is by either bringing in Rebuilding Schemes for an entire area and also by fixing a minimum size of a Plot for Multi-storey group Housing Building. This can be done only if either the Plot owners come together and merge their Plots (which is impossible) or in the alternative the Government makes a Rebuilding Uniform Scheme of redistribution of proportionate share to the erstwhile owners and on their denial Compulsorily Acquires their interests in the overall interest of the Cities. In making such Schemes firstly the broader Roads and Transport and other Infrastructure should be built and then the Buildings demolished sector-wise and new ones built. Most importantly the Government should in making the Rebuilding Schemes completely ignore all buildings (other than important Public buildings) even if they have been rebuilt recently and proceed by treating the City as a clean slate. Because as I said earlier by Town Planning standards they are slums and of miniscule value as compared to the Land value.
In a writ petition in Allahabad High Court, filed by me against increase in density due to construction of multistory buildings, the Government has taken the stand that They are the need of the day. That is indeed true but Multi-storey is promoted to ensure that more open spaces are created while what the Builders/ Politician Town Planning Department –mafia are doing is making multi-storey buildings on existing Open spaces of Bungalows i.e. they are doing the opposite of what they are claiming i.e. they are in fact destroying the Open Spaces instead of creating them. In an ideal Town Planning Scenario, the FSI permissible(subject to no increase in Dwelling units) should be related to the ground coverage thus if the FSI permissible on a ground coverage of 40 % is 2.00 then for a ground coverage of 30 % it should be 2.5 and so on subject again to a maximum. This will ensure that more open spaces (kept green) are created in Cities. It should be clearly understood that green areas and proper Parking Spaces within Group Housing compounds are not at all possible unless the Plot is sufficiently large. In Mumbai as well as in other Cities of India Multistorey buildings are coming up on 500/700/1000 meters Plots and the Cities are being condemned to Chaos for perpetuity.
Because in making any rebuilding Scheme, for the increase in infrastructure, and creation of open spaces, the land available for redistribution will be lesser by about thirty percent and as such increase in FSI/FAR will have to be given.
One very important fact which the Government as well as Town Planners and inhabitants of the Cities do not understand is that increase in FSI or FAR is not objectionable as long as the number of Dwelling Units is not increased and this fact has been recognized by the Supreme Court which has approved the increase in FSI so that inhabitants of a particular dwelling unit have more spacious accommodation. In fact increase in F.S.I is the need of the hour so that people are not forced to live in cramped quarters as a necessary consequence the buildings will be taller so be it in fact it is the need of the hour.

For more details you may read my articles Speculation in Land-National Sport of India and other articles on Town Planning on my blog—

Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020
Mob-09415438326; 0-9235844258

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reincarnation-Does the Sex Change

Reincarnation-Does the Sex Change in Next Life-
Thousands of cases referred to in books on the subject as well as T V interviews of reincarnated Children on Indian media Channels as well as Discovery Channel etc show that a person is reincarnated in the same sex. Why? In Mahabharata when Bhishma defeated the King of Varanasi and abducted his daughters to marry them with his brothers,one of them pledged to take revenge, died and was reincarnated as Shikhandi i.e. a Eunuch. So her sense of anger and determination before dying was so strong that she/he became the cause of his death but she was not able to reincarnate fully as a male. It is said in Indian Historical texts (are they Indian only as we know the present India to be) such as Vedas, Purans, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Upanishads etc etc and etc .that if you have unfulfilled desires you are sure to be reborn again and again (till no desire remains or enlightenment is attained-not sure about the bracketed portion) So leaving aside the Jataka (Stories) about Reincarnation of Buddha in different life forms (which I doubt),I have not found any documented or interviewed case in which sex change happened in the next birth. However the Anger and desire of Shikhandi in his last birth as a female was so strong that to fulfill it she was born again to fulfill that desire. Does it mean that Eunuchs are born due to their desire in their previous birth to be born in the other sex and thereafter only the process of Sex change in continues births goes on slowly in stages till the desired change in Sex is achieved. Can any reader please enlighten me?
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

British closest to their roots

British –Closest to their roots
You will be surprised to learn that the British who conquered the entire world are actually closest to their roots and their simplicity is reflected in their Surnames and although most of these are based on their ancient (traditional) occupations (almost all traditional occupations are covered) i. e. castes yet there is no evil caste system like that prevalent in India. The rest of the British are named after colors now is it not simplicity. Here are a few samples. Please add to the list.
Surname based on their ancient (traditional) occupations.
Mr Taylor (tailor)
Mr Shepard
Mr Barber
Mr Gardener(Earl Stanley Gardener)
Mr Butcher
Mr Knight
Mr Plumber
Mr Hunter
Mr Forester
Mr Farmer
Mr Waterman
Mr Fischer
Mr Carpenter
Mr Mason
Mr Blacksmith
Mr Smith
Mr Coppersmith
Mr Goldsmith
Mr Sailor
Mr Potter
Mr Horseman
Mr Writer
Mr Merchant

Surnames based on Colors
1. Mr White
2. Mr Black
3. Mr Grey
4. Mr Green
5. Mr Brown
Please add to the list.