Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mumbai terror attacks and sitting ducks ( Public) / Government’s folly.

Mumbai terror attacks and sitting ducks ( Public) / Government’s folly.

Please be informed that all the security apparatus of the Country has been monopolized by the State and the people are left to die on the streets.
Please tell me would the Terrorists have dared to engage in Mayhem in Taj or Oberoi or the other places if they felt that in these places there would be hundreds of guns in the hands of the people visiting them and these guns would be firing back at them. Will any dacoit or thief ever jump in to your Home if he knew that there may be three or four weapons firing back at them from your side.
` I had written in 2006, in the first post dated 27-03-2006, on my blog
81. All our Hindu Gods & Goddesses carry a variety of arms, Shiv ji carries a Trishul, Hanuman ji a Gada, Ramji -A Bow & Arrows, Krishna ji & Vishnu-the Sudarshan Chakra, Even Balramji the brother of Krishna had a an Arm, Ganeshji & Lord Kartikeya are suitably armed, Ma-Durgaji, Ma Kali are carrying Weapons in many of her arms thus the message of my religion for me & all my fellow Country men of my faith is loud & clear-Violence is a way of life for your own Protection, Be suitably Armed for any eventuality. Therefore the Government can not make any law to the contrary & at the same time Monopolize all the Security apparatus of the State for the own personal use of a few VIP’s.
My demand in the letter of 2006
All the Citizens should be issued, on demand, Arms Licenses for their protection( instead of the present practice of issuing licenses on political patronage basis) & hand-arms should be imported & given free of cost to all the citizens so that they too can have some protection for their lives.
I intend to confront the Government on this and a few other very very basic issues concerning general public , some of them you can read on my blog.If you support me then contact me.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020

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