Sunday, April 26, 2009

Indian Administrative services-The Arse Lickers of India

Indian Administrative services-The Arse Lickers of India
I.A.S-The great Arse Lickers of India

1. The History of Arse licking (sycophancy beyond limits),in
India dates backs to prehistoric times but here, for obvious reasons we start with Alexander’s time when several Indian Princes supported him against the Local King Porus. When the Islamic Invaders invaded India, they too had the support of millions of Arse Lickers, to help them in their Conquests, without this support they could not have succeeded. We Indians are the best Arse lickers of the World, which fact is demonstrated by the coming in to power of so many Criminal Politicians(Bahubalis).

2. Actually it is the failure of the Executive more particularly the Indian Administrative Services (I.A.S.) that has pushed the Indian Public in to the Lap of the Criminal Politicians because all genuine petitions of the teeming masses given to these Officers have fallen on deaf ears and the belief took root that to get any work done, one needed to patronize these Criminal elements as they were the only ones, whom the I.A.S feared. So cunning are these Officers that till today, they have not made a single Law, which puts any obligation on them to address the grievance of the public. They are free to throw any or all the petitions received in to the waste paper basket, save those in which either some politician or a I.A.S colleague or money is involved. You will find that out of thousands of petitions they receive daily, most, 99% are simply marked to the junior officers without any comments but in case of those in which they are interested, they will write “full report by tomorrow” or “discuss immediately” or any such other code language which they use, and which their juniors fully understand. Even the RTI Act, can only make you aware of what has happened on one’s petition but it too castes no obligation on the I.A.S to do any thing on it.
3-The things were not so bad till a few decades back, I remember that around thirty years back i.e. till about the early seventies, Politicians, regularly used to solicit donations from the general public including small traders even but no longer now because they along with the I.A.S have created such a Un-holy Nexus that most of the Country’s wealth is now concentrated in the hands of this combine and they no longer need financial support from the petty traders and general public. The I.A.S, the most cunning of all Castes of India, were quick to realize that, just like the Judiciary of India, their goal too in life i.e. that of money, glamour & Sex could only be realized by Arse Licking of Government(Politicians) and thus was born the Unholy Nexus. That, now, it is only large Business Houses & Corporates who rule the roost, they propose their ventures to the Politicians, who throw a few bones to the I.A.S and mange to get the work done leading to ghotala after ghotala as is evident from the recent hue and cry about billions of dollars of wealth of Indians, stashed away in Swiss Banks and other Havens, famous for stashing of Illegal money. Just recollect, how before increasing their stake in India, the Corporate World, including International Multinationals, spent billions of dollars in bribing the powers that be and waited patiently till the negotiable Instrument Act provided for Criminal action in case of dishonored cheques, making it easy for them to realize their dues, by taking advance cheques, before they went on a lending spree in India, which incidentally encouraged speculation in Land & Commodities and took these beyond the common man’s means and are responsible for the present recession also. As against this the general public, if they have to collect their dues, have to spend decades in Civil Courts and spend a hefty amount in Court fee.
4-Things were not so bad till about 1965, when the Old guard of the Civil Services, trained & who started their career under the British, were not part of the ruling mafia and there was some sanity and at-least some regard for the Laws but once the Politicians (who only had the limited power to transfer them) were able to convert the I.A.S in to their Arse Lickers, even the Laws are made only to serve the vested interests of this Politician-Bureaucrat-Corporate Mafia. You will find that thousands of children of High Court Judges, Politicians and I.A.S officers are getting fat pay packets from these Multinational Corporations, either as their Employees or as their franchisees /consultants /Lawyers. Which in turn also ensures that by 2030, India will be the biggest Brothel and Human Organ Market of the World. For details you may see my article of 2006, India’s Judiciary Government’s Harem on my blog

5. If you need any proof about the Arse licking habits of Bureaucrats (I.A.S.) just recollect how roads, bridges, Fly-overs, Railway lines, Schools, Colleges, Polytechnics, Hospitals and such other public amenities are not thrown open to the public even weeks after their completion simply because the Bureaucrat waits for the Politician to give him a Arse licking chance by Inaugurating the facility. Can you think of any Civilized Country’s Bureaucrats (or politicians) stooping so low.I recollect that when Atul Gupta, the present Chief secretary of U. P was the housing secretary and Lalji Tondon was the Minister and Mayawatiji the C.M, he Atul Gupta got around 100 (one hundred), bare Inauguration stones of non existent projects, affixed on a brick wall in Kanpur and got them inaugurated. So strong is the Arse licking urge of the I.A.S.99% of I.A.S Officers fall in this category.My apologies to the honest 1 %.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B,Panki Kanpur-208020