Hindu (Sanatan )Dharma –History/ Science & Preservation of Nature
Every day thousands of new discoveries/inventions are being made by Scientists/others all over the World. Therefore it would be naïve to infer that they have already discovered all that is there to discover in the Universe or beyond it if there is a beyond. Therefore it would be logical to assume that there are billions of discoveries or inventions yet to be made & it is equally logical to infer that these yet to be discovered things & inventions were in most likelihood made by others in the ancient past wherever in the Universe or beyond they may have been. In addition to the millions of known species (to the present day earthlings) there may be millions that are already present there or even here but are yet to be discovered & communications established with them by the present day earthlings in the near & not so near future. There may be Bhoot , Pret & Pishach & millions of other such communities. Before the Microscope was discovered we hardly knew about so many microscopic beings & things but they were already there with better microscopes we will know about millions more.. Now millions of species have their own language/Vocabulary/ sound or means of communications therefore it is but natural to infer that someday we will learn to communicate with them similarly we will know about others already there but yet to be discovered by us in the present age.
Hindu thought or Sanatan Dharma whatever you may call it has taken in to account the concept of infinity. In the Geeta Lord/Bhagwan Sri Krishna speaks about Space as infinite & believe me no matter howsoever hard the present day Scientists try they will reach the same conclusion it is just that they are unable to reconcile to the fact that somebody or some civilization had already discovered it in the ancient past & also used the Knowledge. A Civilization which could conceive of Zero & infinity must be given the due credit that they deserved but they are not being given the credit by the present day Caucasian races & their (Native bred Sycophants) who are monopolizing the Scientific field in the present era.
What is Sanatan Dharma or Hindu Dharma? It stands for Scientific studies and for welfare & advancement of all things & beings and for preservation & safeguarding all things natural & for this purpose the ancients achieved this by giving this task the color of rituals otherwise the general public would never have been got interested in the project. It propagated to take only that much from nature as was essential for ones maintenance & abhorred wastage of natural resources. The Teachers or Brahmins or Priests or the wise men or by whatever name you may care to call them worked towards the preservation of Nature. These teaching classes were proficient in various branches of Knowledge including Astronomy & Astrology. They knew that destinies of individuals as well as Cities/ Countries & even entire Civilizations are liable to change with time (Kaal) which was considered to be most powerful i.e. everything that is there is likely/subject to change. In the Hindu or Sanatan Thought nothing is Final this concept is the biggest difference between Hindu Civilization & other Civilizations. In Hindu/Sanatan Thought there is no only Son of God or the Last & only Prophet etc etc. So Kaal (Time) being the essence of everything it was but natural to connect the Destinies of individuals/Countries & even Civilizations to the movement of stars. Let us take it this way Human bodies/Beings & others being programmed like a Computer & even programmed to destroy themselves & then to reincarnate & all this programming powered not by batteries or by electric or solar power but by the vibrations of the Stars according to their various combinations at given times now is it impossible?
When an individual went to the Priest or Teacher or astrologer with his troubles to seek some remedy, the Astrologer after consulting his Birth Chart or Palm or by whatever means available then even on finding that time was not favorable to the subject tried to canalized the negative thoughts of the subject in to positive action & used to tell him to feed the birds or the Ants or the Fish or the Cows or the Dogs or the monkeys or even the Elephants in order to mitigate the evil influences of the planets. Now was it not a master stroke to protect & preserve natural beings by which the subject suffered no harm even if he did not benefit materially or physically ? Similarly Women were told to plant & preserve & water trees (Tulsi Plant in their Courtyard), for other larger Trees in far flung areas like Peepul & Banyan Trees, Aonla trees taking care of these was linked to the longevity of their husbands or to their fertility thus they were ritualistically protected had the color of rituals been not given, they would not have taken the bother to do it. Similarly to protect other Creatures, many were projected as the Vaahan (transport) of Gods & Goddesses like Lion of Durga, Owl of Laxmi, Mouse of Ganesh, Garuda or Eagle of Vishnu, Bullock of Yama, Peacock of Saraswati, similarly Snake as the garland of Shiva, Nandi (Ox) as his helper & so on & so on. Harming the weak creatures was taboo it was mandated that they would have to give a gold lizard or cat in lieu if they harmed them & such thought has survived to the present age ensuring the preservation of nature as far as possible. Now compare this sublime thought of protection of natural beings with the thought of other Cultures which say that everything God created just for the Enjoyment & consumption of Man & then they go on describing how to please God, man should slaughter & sacrifice such & such animal or Bird in such & such manner so that God may be pleased in short they call for Ritualistic destruction of Natural beings.( It is possible that this may have become necessary due to large scale destruction of Agriculture & Forests by Wars- I would welcome comments on this subject). It is very unfortunate that some of these gory rituals are finding a place in Tantrik rituals of Hindu Dharma also.
In Hindu scriptures/History/Folktales there are thousands of instances when the Hills were asked for forgiveness when roads were built over them & Rivers & Seas were asked for permission when man desired to cross them & Trees were asked for forgiveness when a few branches were cut to build their abode by men. Thus this preservation of nature was almost like worshipping of Nature but things were so overdone that people started keeping the Idols of Animals in their Temples & Superstition set in causing great harm to the Culture & we became the Laughing stock of the World as Animal and Stone worshippers. However now the entire World has started taking note of the harm caused by mankind to the plant & Animal life as well as ecology & Environment of the World and now they themselves are trying almost with a religious fervor for protection of Trees, Mountains & Rivers & Seas just as the Hindu had been doing all along & being laughed at. Now it is no longer a secret that everything has life even matter itself & the various Puraans ( although filled with trash by later on mischief makers but still retaining portions of the original wisdom contained in them) are unanimous in giving accurately the life of matter & (half life of radioactivity) & proclaim that after a certain period of time all matter turns in to anti matter or Radioactivity & after the same time period this anti matter turns again in to matter & biological life evolves again & again & again.
Along with the Protection & preservation of Nature & all natural beings & things At the same time All our Hindu Gods & Goddesses carry a variety of weapons, Shiv ji carries a Trishul, Hanuman ji a Gada, Ramji -A Bow & Arrows, Krishna ji & Vishnu-the Sudarshan Chakra, Even Balramji the brother of Krishna had a Plough as a weapon, Ganeshji & Lord Kartikeya are suitably armed, Ma-Durgaji, Ma Kali are carrying weapons in many of her arms thus the message of my religion for me & all my fellow Country men of my faith is loud & clear-Violence is a way of life for your own Protection, Be suitably Armed for any eventuality. Even the Big bang theory says that Universe was born out of a very Violent event. It was only after the advent of Buddhism in India when the Kings laid down their arms & the thought gained roots that man is born only to die & so the moment he is born, he should start planning for his death &that everything else is meaningless, that the ruin of Sanatan Dharma & thus India started with the entry of Foreign invaders like Alexander in to an undefended India where the Kings forsake their Kingdoms in favor of Monk ship & threw their subjects to the Vultures.
Each & every page of Hindu or Sanatan Scriptures is full of Knowledge, Science, History, known then, lost for now but again to be rediscovered in the present or the future. Take the case of 100 Kauravs-born in Dhrit Gharas (or Test tubes) or 60, 000 Sons of King Sagar or how King Yayati exchanged his old age with the Youth of his Son[may be by exchange(donor recipient) of some gene involving the ageing process] or take the case of Raktbeej from every drop of his blood sprang another Raktbeej thus thousands of Raktbeejes sprang up (now is it not Cloning which is being rediscovered) or take the case of Kali or Ganesh & thousands of other Shaktis or similar Super natural beings made by Parvati from her body washings(own cells) is it not Genetic Engineering at its peak or the Transplanting of Elephant head on the Torso of Ganesh before the aura died is it not the ultimate head / brain transplantation is it impossible in the near future considering the advancements in medical technologies? Take the case of Mahishasur born by taking the DNA/Cells from the ashes of his fathers funeral pyre (ashes contain fragments of bones, teeth etc) & then fertilizing them with his mothers eggs in the lab & then due to his mothers inability to conceive & carry the fetus using a Buffalo as the surrogate mother is it impossible in the near or far future? Are we not again working on such projects? Take the case of Trishanku who wanted to go to Swarg (may be some other planet) & asked various Rishis ( Scientists or body of Scientists) for help, none came forward but Vishwamitra (either an individual or titular head of some Scientific Institution just as Vice Chairman or V.C of a University) but due to lack of the knowledge(escape velocity) or due to failure of the Spacecraft employed for the mission (just like so many GSLV missions of India have failed), the Craft was able to go in to orbit & became a satellite but was not able to reach its destination (swarg). Now is it impossible & just a tale. Open the Mahabharata (History of India) & you will find Science on almost every page you will find the story of the King who had an entire City in Space which went from one place to another at great speed, now is it impossible? Have we not started with Space Stations again.
Very generally speaking, in the event of an Atomic War when thousands of Atomic Weapons are used within a short span of time, Civilization & organized Society as we Know it ceases to exist great fire & heat is produced destroying on a large scale life & other natural resources save in a few pockets & great clouds of dust rise, billions of tonnes of water is evaporated in a few minutes(while in normal circumstances it would take hundreds of years to evaporate & gradually fall down as rain maintaining a balance) thus virtually emptying the Rivers & Streams. In the absence of Sunlight due to dust clouds, everything freezes & when the dust settles, & the Sun shines again all the frozen matter/water falls down as rain & in a few days so much rain falls as would in ordinary case take hundreds of years with the result that the Earth being unable to absorb it is flooded as are the Seas (The situation becomes just as Manu or Noah had to face as written in the Scriptures). Gradually the Earth absorbs the water & balance sets in (& maybe Manu’s or Noah’s Ark makes shore on some high ground or hill).
With destruction of Organized Society very few Survivors venture out of their shelters after the heat passes & water settles down & find rotting carcasses & buildings. If they are on high ground they venture out in their Cars or Motor Cycles in search of Food & take what they like from deserted stores till it starts rotting in the stores. When their Vehicles run out of fuel they can refuel from the pumps by manual means (remember no infrastructure left no electricity) or pick up other stranded Vehicles till the Pumps & fuel tanks run dry in may be a year or two. For food he starts hunting with guns & bullets picked up from arms stores & in a few years they are also exhausted with no new supplies forthcoming due to lack of Organized Society so he makes Bows & Arrows & hunts with Knives & even bare hands, in a few more years all the other provisions also perish & man goes back in time & in major effected areas even back to the Cave age. Thereafter he starts all over again, tames & rides Horses, Tills the Land with whatever tool he can make & the circle of need & invention starts again. While moving on a Horse or Horse carriage he tells a story to his infant son how when all was well they could travel by Car or by Aero plane & may be even draws an Aero plane for his son to show him what it looked like. This goes on till generations later another man tells his sons the same story but at that point of time the son riding a Horse or Horse Carriage or Bullock Cart, having no idea of what a Plane looked like Just imagines & adds Wings to the Horse or the Horse Carriage or the Bullock Cart & visualizes the Aircraft or Jet Plane or Spacecraft as such (till sometimes in future Society reorganizes & builds the real thing again may be after hundreds of years).
Therefore it comes as no surprise if Mr Ramanand Sagar when he makes a Movie on Ramayana makes a Chariot with Wings to depict & pass of as the Pushpak Vimaan of Ravan with Sita Struggling in it & her hair falling down the sides of the roofless Contraption & instead of Missiles used in warfare he shows fire coming out of arrow points even at a time when some or all these tools & weapons of Ancient times have been rediscovered & they could have been depicted in their more likely natural forms but then we have no faith in our own History or Historical Texts or Scriptures or the Scientific advancement of our ancient Hindu or Vedic Civilization & are more inclined to believe the Western Historian who calls the Vedas as Songs of Nomadic Tribes & our History as Mythology( Myth means Untrue).
When the Western Conquerors & their Scientists & Historians & their Archaeologists came to India in the 14th 15th or 16th 17th & later centuries, Europe itself was living in the dark ages under the fear & dominance of the all powerful Church, there was no scope for Scientific studies & logic instead they conquered the World in the name of the Church unleashing untold atrocities & sufferings on the people of the Conquered territories converting them by force under the pretext of saving their souls. Do not forget that Galileo was condemned for advancing a theory that was contrary to the Biblical stories & it is only recently that the Church has tendered an Apology & admitted their mistake. The Laws of Blasphemy were very harsh & thousands were burnt at the Stake for the crime of propagating any idea or scientific theory, howsoever true it may be that was contrary to the Biblical writings.
Therefore when the western Archeologists came to the East & particularly to India & were confronted with the Writings/teachings/Scriptures/History of a Civilization which pointed to a history so far in Antiquity as to defy all western imagination they were so scared of being prosecuted for Blasphemy that they tried to fit in the entire History of India of millions of years antiquity ,of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Puranas, The Mahabharata in to the time period of creation as mentioned in the Bible i.e because the Bible said that God created everything about a few thousand years before Christ therefore Vedas were said to be 6000 years old, Ramayana 5000 years old & Mahabharata war 3000 years old & naturally being history of the vanquished was of no consequence but just the ballad of the Nomadic shepherds. They apologized for the ill treatment of a fellow European Galileo but do they have the courage to apologize to the vanquished Ex Slaves. Although it is possible that they themselves may have been the part of the Vedic Civilization at the time of Ramayana.
The Present day Indian Archeologists brain washed by their Western Idols say that they have dug & dug but they have found no traces of the Ramayana era or the Mahabharata era but do they have the tools to look for a Civilization which may be say 50 million years old or older & which may have been followed up by Atomic Annihilation a few times afterwards. Or will they have us believe that all the Scientific matter contained in our Scripture & Historical Text is just some wild imagination of the Nomadic Vedic tribes then how is it that so much of it is being rediscovered & coming true now.
Does Brahma mean CARBON-like carbon (4 Valency) it has four heads, another head was once cut off-did carbon once have 5 valency. Brahma is the srishtikarta or initiator of life, Life is Organic (having carbon)in nature. There are many references to half life(parardh) in the Purans in which in spite of thousands of distortions over the years, the life of the MATTER is given including parardh which refers to radioactive substances. The nett result is that Purans say that after a particular period of time all matter turns in to anti-matter(may be Radioactivity) & after same period of time Mahavishnu(the palan-karta or one who maintains) sleeping on Sheer sagar turns anti-matter in to matter. There fore I am sure that in the Puranas & Vedas, vishnu, mahavishnu, paramvishnu (all have anu in them meaning atom/molecule etc), etc refer to matter neutron, proton, electron etc etc. I wish someone well versed in Chemistry & atomic sciences/physics would study the ancient Indian scriptures with a scientific mind & unlock the secrets. Incidentally if you put the word “a” before a Sanskrit word the meaning is opposed. Is it then somebody biased against Vedic dharma who put the word “A” before- Brahma making it A-brahma or Abraham the first prophet analogous to Srishtikarta Brahma. Put the last letter “a” in Brahma before “B” & you again have Abrahm. I wish I had paid attention to my Chemistry & Physics when I was in college.
When there is water all around after the great deluge, Meena Avtar of Vishnu is there. When water recedes somewhat, there is Boggy Swamp/Marsh, Pigs & Turtles thrive on such Land i.e (water & land both) thus-the Dinosaurs-Varaha (Pig) & Turtle(Kacchap) Avtar of Vishnu. Then they say there were Apes or Orangutans- Varaha Avtar of Vishnu.
There is no denying the fact that now the task of Rishis (Scientists) of the Vedic Era is being taken forward by Western Scientists, will India ever rediscover itself & catch up.
I have started a topic, there are thousands of Scientific events described in detail in the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Purana & other Indian Scriptures & I regret that due to financial & age constraints I am unable to study Sanskrit at this point of time to unlock the mystery in them & would welcome if somebody were to research on this lines & enlighten me.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020
Email- sharmarobby@hotmail.com
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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