Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bofors Scam- Time to Forgive Rajiv Gandhi

Bofors Scam- Time to Forgive Rajiv Gandhi

29-04-2009 Kanpur
1. Once again the Bofors Controversy is in the headlines,
with the clean chit of CBI to Quatrocchi. I feel that it is high time that we forgave Rajiv Gandhi, who although guilty in the matter was only a victim of a Conspiracy of the Scheming Old guard of the Congress party at that time, comprising of V.P. Singh, one fat politician with “Nehru” in his name and some others.
2. When Rajiv was forced in to P M ship due to the
untimely demise of Indiraji, this scheming old guard was taken aback due to the huge popular mandate Rajiv got in the elections. They were jealous of a modern, Lotto Shoe wearing, Ray ban Goggles supporting handsome almost God like man, with modern outlook and thoughts & dreams full of a secure and happy future for his Countrymen. As against this the Old guard still had the feudalistic approach, haggard and ugly appearances and they prevailed upon him saying “let us not depend upon local business men or corruption for funding of the party, but since money is a necessary evil for funding the party, let us instead take some lump sum money in multi billion dollars Defense deals, without compromising with quality, so that we are not dependant on local businessmen & widespread corruption.”
3. Once he, unwittingly and foolishly agreed, this very
same Old Guard blew the whistle and trapped him for ever. Although he was able to escape the continuing humiliation due to his un-timely death in 1991 & V.P. Singh officially once declared as Mad by his wife, became the P.M and he along with Chandrashekhar(a known Mafia) & others was responsible for Rajiv’s death. People say that Rajiv’s close Doon school chum Arun Singh, the then Minister of State, became a recluse in his Castle in the hills, may be he could have cleared the mist.
4. All that is good in India, presently, like Telecom
Sector, Computer and IT boom, Space Research, India becoming a Economic powerhouse, Educational Hub etc is all due to the modern outlook of Rajiv Gandhi. Had Rajiv not happened to India and had we been left to the haggard Old Guard like Atal, Advani, V.P. Singh, Chandrashekhar and others, we would have been left to languish in the middle ages, like Pakistan & may be even Talibanized.
5. Therefore it is time to forgive Rajiv Gandhi for the
Faux pas he made and pay tribute to him, bury Quatrocchi bury the Bofors Scam and move on. Remember in Kargil war it was the same Bofors Gun, Which was instrumental in uprooting the Pakis from the hills they occupied, quality was not compromised and see the present, where bribes are taken in thousands of crores and for that such innocent looking sectors like Land-Use control & conversion, Spectrum allotment, Anti Dumping duties(levied when local business houses form a syndicate and grease the politicians palms) etc. Had Rajiv been alive, these evils would have not been there.

Robby Sharma
865,Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020
email sharmarobby@hotmail.com
blog http://sharmarobby.wordpress.com

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Indian Administrative services-The Arse Lickers of India

Indian Administrative services-The Arse Lickers of India
I.A.S-The great Arse Lickers of India

1. The History of Arse licking (sycophancy beyond limits),in
India dates backs to prehistoric times but here, for obvious reasons we start with Alexander’s time when several Indian Princes supported him against the Local King Porus. When the Islamic Invaders invaded India, they too had the support of millions of Arse Lickers, to help them in their Conquests, without this support they could not have succeeded. We Indians are the best Arse lickers of the World, which fact is demonstrated by the coming in to power of so many Criminal Politicians(Bahubalis).

2. Actually it is the failure of the Executive more particularly the Indian Administrative Services (I.A.S.) that has pushed the Indian Public in to the Lap of the Criminal Politicians because all genuine petitions of the teeming masses given to these Officers have fallen on deaf ears and the belief took root that to get any work done, one needed to patronize these Criminal elements as they were the only ones, whom the I.A.S feared. So cunning are these Officers that till today, they have not made a single Law, which puts any obligation on them to address the grievance of the public. They are free to throw any or all the petitions received in to the waste paper basket, save those in which either some politician or a I.A.S colleague or money is involved. You will find that out of thousands of petitions they receive daily, most, 99% are simply marked to the junior officers without any comments but in case of those in which they are interested, they will write “full report by tomorrow” or “discuss immediately” or any such other code language which they use, and which their juniors fully understand. Even the RTI Act, can only make you aware of what has happened on one’s petition but it too castes no obligation on the I.A.S to do any thing on it.
3-The things were not so bad till a few decades back, I remember that around thirty years back i.e. till about the early seventies, Politicians, regularly used to solicit donations from the general public including small traders even but no longer now because they along with the I.A.S have created such a Un-holy Nexus that most of the Country’s wealth is now concentrated in the hands of this combine and they no longer need financial support from the petty traders and general public. The I.A.S, the most cunning of all Castes of India, were quick to realize that, just like the Judiciary of India, their goal too in life i.e. that of money, glamour & Sex could only be realized by Arse Licking of Government(Politicians) and thus was born the Unholy Nexus. That, now, it is only large Business Houses & Corporates who rule the roost, they propose their ventures to the Politicians, who throw a few bones to the I.A.S and mange to get the work done leading to ghotala after ghotala as is evident from the recent hue and cry about billions of dollars of wealth of Indians, stashed away in Swiss Banks and other Havens, famous for stashing of Illegal money. Just recollect, how before increasing their stake in India, the Corporate World, including International Multinationals, spent billions of dollars in bribing the powers that be and waited patiently till the negotiable Instrument Act provided for Criminal action in case of dishonored cheques, making it easy for them to realize their dues, by taking advance cheques, before they went on a lending spree in India, which incidentally encouraged speculation in Land & Commodities and took these beyond the common man’s means and are responsible for the present recession also. As against this the general public, if they have to collect their dues, have to spend decades in Civil Courts and spend a hefty amount in Court fee.
4-Things were not so bad till about 1965, when the Old guard of the Civil Services, trained & who started their career under the British, were not part of the ruling mafia and there was some sanity and at-least some regard for the Laws but once the Politicians (who only had the limited power to transfer them) were able to convert the I.A.S in to their Arse Lickers, even the Laws are made only to serve the vested interests of this Politician-Bureaucrat-Corporate Mafia. You will find that thousands of children of High Court Judges, Politicians and I.A.S officers are getting fat pay packets from these Multinational Corporations, either as their Employees or as their franchisees /consultants /Lawyers. Which in turn also ensures that by 2030, India will be the biggest Brothel and Human Organ Market of the World. For details you may see my article of 2006, India’s Judiciary Government’s Harem on my blog http://sharmarobby.wordpress.com/.

5. If you need any proof about the Arse licking habits of Bureaucrats (I.A.S.) just recollect how roads, bridges, Fly-overs, Railway lines, Schools, Colleges, Polytechnics, Hospitals and such other public amenities are not thrown open to the public even weeks after their completion simply because the Bureaucrat waits for the Politician to give him a Arse licking chance by Inaugurating the facility. Can you think of any Civilized Country’s Bureaucrats (or politicians) stooping so low.I recollect that when Atul Gupta, the present Chief secretary of U. P was the housing secretary and Lalji Tondon was the Minister and Mayawatiji the C.M, he Atul Gupta got around 100 (one hundred), bare Inauguration stones of non existent projects, affixed on a brick wall in Kanpur and got them inaugurated. So strong is the Arse licking urge of the I.A.S.99% of I.A.S Officers fall in this category.My apologies to the honest 1 %.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B,Panki Kanpur-208020

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Open Letter to R S S/ S G P C

Open Letter to R S S/ S G P C
Rashtriya swayamsewak Sangh/ Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Samiti.
Sir you claim to be and indeed you are the protector of Hindus worldwide. However you have made no efforts to secure the community from future threats on a permanent basis. All our Gods or you may call them, Avtars or Dieties or our ancestors, if, you wish, were all suitably armed, be it Vishnu or Ram or Krishna or Shiv or Hanuman, Ganesh, Kartikeya, Indra or for that matter Goddess Durga, Goddess Kali , who had Weapons in all their hands and yet because of influence of some passive sects like Jainism and Buddhism we have forgotten the lesson taught to us by our Gods i.e. that violence is real and peace is only imaginary even the Western thought says that the world started with a big bang i.e. with a very violent happening. Our own religion Sanatan Dharm also says that in the beginning there was only Shabd(sound it may be that here also reference is to the big bang). The great Sikh Gurus recognized this weakness of the Hindus and tried to tell them, that to save Dharma they need to be suitably armed and needed to initiate other protective measures, however although they failed to convince the cowards among the community yet they were able to convince a very large number about the need for an armed struggle and were instrumental in checking the tyrannical muslim rulers and saving the Sanatan Dharm. It is a pity that because of wide spread corruption in Free India and due to the political ambitions of the rich landed classes among the Sikhs, now the Sikhs think that they are separate from Hindus. Even they have forgotten the lessons given by the Great Gurus and even now are content to be armed with Kripan and at the most with a sword, weapons which in those days were the conventional weapons. Even at that time the Great Sikh Gurus used the modern weapons like the Guns and Cannon. In the present context, kripan and sword may still have some ornamental value and may be enough to scare away the Unarmed Citizens but it should be remembered that the Enemy is and will be very well armed and by the time the sword is drawn or the Kripan taken out, hundreds of bullets will have hit the Khalsa.. It must be remembered that the Gurus never meant these symbols to be mere ornaments but they were prescribed for protection of the self as well as the Faith. Therefore it is the need of the hour that the Akal Takth and other Sikh religious bodies issue a diktat that the Sikh will in addition to his conventional weapons, also and always carry a modern Firearm also. Let there be a confrontation with the Government over this if it resists.
Similarly You are requested to prevail upon the Shankracharyas to issue a similar edict. What are the Shankaracharyas and thousands of other Baba-logs, the Mahants, the Sadhus, the likes of Murari Bapu, Pilot Baba, The Gurumais etc doing any way? Just enjoying their billions in their fortified Ashrams. They are preparing Armies of Mosquitos by collecting millions of Bhakts and reading holy books((Historical texts) and citing from them and in the name of Ram and Peace taking the Bhakt’s money and fooling him by talking of peace while the fact is that the history as well as the future of the World was and will be full of bloodshed and gore. Violence is a way of life so be prepared if not to Offend then at least to defend. For my other articles please read my blog http://sharmarobby.wordpress.com
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B,Panki Kanpur-208020

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Taliban -Terrorist leaders- Any suicide Bombers from their family.

Taliban & Terrorist leaders-how many suicide Bombers from their own family.

It will be interesting to know if the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, keeps any data about the number of suicide Bombers (Fidayeen), who belong/ed to the family of the Taliban or Terrorist leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan. If these Terrorist leaders are sparing their close relatives then it can be a propaganda tool to counter the Jehadis.and the people of Pakistan and other Islamic nations should be made aware of this fact, may be it will help the war on terror. How many Wives, Brothers, Sisters, Sons & Daughters of their own did Osama Bin Laden or Mullah Umar or Maulana Asad Mazoor or Betullah Masood send as fidayeen to die for Jehad. Is it only the poor & wretched and brainwashed Islamists who are sent by these Terrorist/Taliban leaders to blow themselves up & Die. Does the Government of United States keep any such record. May be we can seek this information from the Government of India under the Right to Information Act.
Robby Sharma
865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-208020, U.P.India

Monday, April 06, 2009

Save India Seek answers of simple Questions

Protest Fast/ Nyaya Yatra by Robby Sharma, R/O 865, Block-B,Panki Kanpur-208020.
Mob-09415438326, 09235844258, email—sharmarobby@hotmail.com; blog-http://sharmarobby.wordpress.com
Dear Friends: It is high time we sought the answer to some basic questions, relating to the teeming masses , from the people in power in India. I intend to start a Nyaya Yatra, creating awareness amongst the people. The Nyaya Yatra will consist of visits to various Places in India, token hunger strikes there and eventually Fast unto death. If you agree then let me know. The following are the reasons & demands:-

Ten percent of the Indians, comprising of the Government Officials, the Politicians, The Judges, The Bureaucrats and the Super rich are exploiting and devouring the dreams and aspirations of the balance 90 %, i.e. the general public. Let it be, may be it is destiny and they are not to blame but the following minimum demands need to be met, While the Government is free to decide the Complicated issues like Nuclear option, the foreign policy etc but answers to some very simple questions relating to the citizens and the socialist character of the Nation, need to be given:-

Problem -1. Crores of cases are pending in Courts, the entire Judicial system is in shambles & has failed .The Supreme Court and High Court judges often proclaim openly that the Government is not providing the Infrastructure but none of them have ever done anything to force the Government, to act. On the other hand, if two Rail accidents take place, there is demand for Railways Ministers Resignation. The Home Minister Resigns after a few Terrorist attacks and the entire Government is called upon to accept Moral Responsibility & Resign In Maharashtra and other parts of the Country, thousands of Farmers have committed suicide on their failure to manage their families. Then why can not the Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts also own up Moral Responsibility & Resign to put pressure on the Government.
Demand -1. I seek the Resignation of the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court & High Courts of India so that the Government is forced to provide the Infrastructure for disposal of at least 95 % of cases within six months. At least ten times the present strength of Judges is required. Instead of prescription of minimum number of Judges in Supreme Court, Our Constitution provides for the opposite, i.e. there is restriction of maximum number. I had sent letter to Chief Justice of India on 07-11-2007, calling for his Resignation, the letter is reproduced here:-

Problem-2.The Government has monopolized & usurped the medical facilities of the Country for the chosen few while the general public is dying on the roads, due to lack of even the most basic of medical facilities Now how can the socialistic Constitution of India permit this. Billions of Rupees of public funds are spent on costly treatment of VIP’s.
Demand -2. The Central Government & State Governments should make available from public funds, for medical treatment of the common citizen, the same amount as they would spend for the treatment of the Prime Minister, the President, The Chief Ministers & VIP’s in States, the Judges , the I.A.S officers, Other State & Central Government Employees. In short free medical aid should be made available to the Citizens irrespective of his or her status in life or in the alternative; VIP’s & Government Officials should also die on the roads , same as the general public.

Problem- 3. Speculation in land has become the national Sport of India & Indians, every body including Governments, politicians, Traders, Government officers, Judges & other rich & powerful persons are engaged in buying, hoarding & selling at profit, land all over the country, just like potatoes and Onions. In case of housing land in urban areas, the State itself is the biggest Land mafia. At the same time, Crores of citizens are living like animals on roads on footpaths on drains.

Demand-3. Stop Speculation in Land. The Ceiling Act, repealed in 1999 has to be reenacted. & this ceiling should apply to all towns above 100000 population.Hang those who defy the ceiling. Ban Sale of Agricultural land in the Urban areas to non agriculturists (those whose families did not hold agricultural lands at the time of Agrarian Reform Acts within 15 km radius of the then Urban boundary).Exempt developers ,with the restriction that they will have to complete their Schemes within 5 years,
Ensure for provision of minimum 50 square meter of Housing land to all slum dwellers at rates affordable to them based on the average earnings of Indians after excluding the earnings of the higher earning ten % .

Problem-4.The Government has been spending billions & billions of rupees from public funds on the Security facilities of the VIP’s, while the general public is dying on the roads; in their houses, at the hands of criminals & terrorists. All our Hindu Gods & Goddesses carry a variety of weapons, Shiv ji carries a Trishul, Hanuman ji a Gada, Ramji -A Bow, Krishna ji & Vishnu-the Sudarshan Chakra, Ganeshji & Lord Kartikeya are suitably armed, Ma-Durgaji, Ma Kali are carrying weapons in many of their arms thus the message of my religion for me & all my fellow Country men of my faith is loud & clear-Violence is a way of life for your own Protection, Be suitably Armed for any eventuality. Two Terrorists killed hundreds of innocent citizens in Taj Hotel. Had the public inside been suitable armed and prepared, then could they kill so many. The Terrorists themselves would have died at the Citizens hands much before the NSG Commando’s arrived.
Demand-4. All the adult Citizens of India should be issued, on their demand, Arms Licenses for their protection & hand-Guns should be imported from China & given free of cost to them so that they too can have some chance to protect their lives, their loved ones and their property, from criminals and terrorists.

Problem-5. Millions of Job-seekers & students are cheated by Governments by not actually sending entrance papers and interview letters but they are shown to have been sent by way of false Under postal certificate (UPC), Almost all U.P.C’s are bogus.
Demand-5. Immediately ban the UPC service of Post office and instead send all intimation letters by Registered post.

Problem -6. All the Basics of life in India namely Education, Health, Justice & Housing are under the control of the mafia out of these the last two are under control of the Government which itself is the biggest mafia in control of Justice & having monopoly over Housing Land. these basics of life are priced out of the reach of the masses. There is an all pervading sense of insecurity amongst the masses leading to corruption at all levels. Politicians and Government officers have only two things on their minds, Bribe & Sex, Government Offices and Secretariats have become Dens of Pimps and Touts. Even Military generals are accused of embezzlements in purchase of meat, eggs and rations, selling subsidized Liquor in the open market and mixing water in Fuel tankers, which is a pitiable situation.
Demand-6. Take steps to ensure that Mafia elements are ousted from these Basic services , laws are suitably amended in a people friendly manner and all the basics are available at affordable costs to all and the sense of insecurity amongst the masses is no longer there. Provide for capital punishment for corruption.

Problem -7. It is a well known fact that thousands of false complaints are lodged against innocent persons daily leading to their harassment. People have been languishing in Jails for murders of people, who are alive.90 % of Dowry & SC/St harassment cases, are false.The Cr P C & the IPC are without adequate safeguards in them to protect the citizens against false complaints.The history of criminal trial in India & the mind set of the Judges, brings out a very disturbing picture and that is that if a F I R is lodged, then PUNISHMENT & IMPRISONMENT IS MUST no matter howsoever, false, the Complaint may be. Because if the Police finds the complaint to be bogus & expunges the F I R or files Final report then their action is opposed by the Courts on hundreds of grounds, like by saying that police has taken bribe etc from the accused etc etc, or the investigation is not proper etc etc On the other hand if a charge sheet is filed by the Police, howsoever false it may be then no Court will interfere & will say that the Police has acted most honestly & a innocent person will be harassed through out his life. It is much easier for the Police to charge-sheet an innocent person rather then to acquit him and they are taking the easy way out. Even the Supreme Court, which frequently over-rules the Judgments passed by full benches of the Higher Courts, when it comes to quashing the false Charge-sheets filed by Police Sub inspectors on the basis of false complaints/witnesses, take the word of the Sub-inspector as the Gospel truth.
Demand-7.Amend the Law so that false Complainant is given the death penalty. The Complainants should also be subjected to Narco Analysis & Lie Detection tests. These tests should also be used to prove the innocence of falsely accused persons, just as they are used to prove the guilt of the guilty.

Problem -8. The Indian State & the Judiciary is no longer capable of making proper Laws & proper interpretation of the Indian Constitution, due to the rotten Legal education system and pro Government wrong Judicial decisions prevailing since decades.
Demand-8.Call for Legal Experts from abroad to give lessons on Article 13 of the Indian Constitution & other fundamental Rights of Citizens to the Indian Judiciary.

Problem -9.Actually the problem is that when the British made the laws in India all legislation in India was based on the principle that those implementing it will be absolutely fair & that is why most of the legislations are failing presently because the implementing agencies are totally dishonest hence if any legislation in India is to succeed then, it should be kept in mind, while framing it, that the implementing agency is most likely to be totally corrupt & therefore for this purpose necessary safeguards & penal provisions to punish the implementing Agency have to be inbuilt in the existing and new legislation
Demand-9. The Central and State Governments should insert the necessary safeguards in all Laws (in the Law itself),to punish the officers for dereliction of duty, for example if the Municipal Law prohibits commercial buildings in Residential areas but such buildings do come up then the concerned Engineers and other officers , entrusted for their prevention should face severe punishment of at least seven years in Jail immediately as well as termination of service, similarly if a Revenue Inspector fails to report an encroachment on public land immediately then he should face same penalty immediately. Provide for capital punishment for corruption.

Problem-10. THE NAREGA ACT, 2005 (Gramin Rojgar Guarantee Act) for purpose of giving guaranteed employment to the rural poor will most certainly break up the Rural households and the joint family system prevailing for millions of years due to the wrong definition of “Household” which means the members of a family related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption and normally residing together and sharing meals or holding a common ration card; Thus if a Householder is living together with say
His three sons & their wives as well as his own minor children as well as
those of his sons then only one of the entire lot will be entitled to Employment Guarantee of hundred days and if the House hold breaks up and the Sons start living separately then at least four of the lot will be entitled. Now what will this do, is, either break up the family or force them to get separate ration cards, live together but lie about it and bribe the Pradhan and in short become a thief in the eyes of the Law.
Demand-10. I therefore demand from the Central Government to make the necessary change in the definition of the word “household" in the THE NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE ACT, 2005 so that it does not lead to breaking up the Households or to converting millions more (poor rural citizens), to the already a very large community of Liers & thieves which we, Indians already are. The word Household or family should mean “husband, wife and minor children only” as it is defined in all other laws.

Problem-11 Article-14 of the Constitution has to be properly redefined, If Mulayam Singh is the C.M, he pumps in thousands of Crores in to an obscure Village Saifai, which is his constituency and his Home District is freed from power cuts. If Sonia is in power, the Central Government pumps in thousands of Crores worth of projects in her Constituency, Similarly Railway Ministers from Bihar provide hundreds of Trains to Bihar, ignoring the rest of the Country, at the same time hundreds of Parliamentary or Legislative Constituencies lack the most basic of facilities. What is this? Is it not might is right, the Uncivilized ways of the Barbarians.
Demand-11. The Planning Commission should be accorded Constitutional Status and the location of all projects of the Central or State Governments above (presently 10 Crores of Rupees) should be cleared by the Planning Commission after carefully analyzing the Statistical data of various constituencies and their need. The Politicians in power should not have the power to nurture their Constituencies at the cost of other citizens, of other Constituencies. If this is not done then just as States are breaking up alleging discrimination against one region or other, there will be hundreds of other break-ups threatening the Unity and integrity of the Nation itself.

Problem-12 The Hindu/Sikh Community is being discriminated against in all Islamic Countries of the World, Jajia Tax is being levied on them, their Houses are being seized, their lives and properties are at constant risk at all times.

Demand-12. The Government of India should issue an open invitation to All Hindus/Sikhs of such Islamic Countries, like, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia etc to come and settle freely in India.

To Hon’ble Justice…K.G Balakrishnan, C. Justice of India. .Supreme Court of India New Delhi

From (Robby Sharma)- 865, Block-B, Panki Kanpur-Uttar Pradesh India-pincode-208020
.Mob-0-9415438326, email- sharmarobby@hotmail.com , blog-http://sharmarobby.wordpress.com Hon’ble Sir: Appeal 07-11-2007
Nations can fight wars & still Survive; Nations can fight Disease & still survive: Nations can fight hunger & survive.
No Nation, which does not, ensure, Justice to its Citizens can ever Survive.
When a few Railway accidents happen, there is a hue & cry & the Resignation of the Railway Minister is called for:
When a few riots take place, the resignations of the C.M, P.M, Home Minister are demanded & in the past a few Politicians did resign taking moral responsibility for the failure although they themselves were not rioting.
After the China War debacle, the Defense Minister went although he was not on the front , fighting.
There is total failure of the justice System in the Country, with millions of cases pending & millions of uprooted Farmers are not able to get their Land Acquisition Compensation as their cases have been pending for decades at various levels.
Millions have died waiting for justice and yet their cases are pending and their dues gobbled up by the respondents, with the Government itself gobbling up billions of rupees being the biggest litigant.
Still many millions, victims of heinous crimes have died, their souls waiting, for punishment of those who killed or maimed them. The President of India, K R Narayanan on 28-01-2000, while speaking on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Supreme Court of India said “That even now Justice is not available to the poor….That is why it is said that Courts are Casinos, where a lot depends on how you throw your dice…..If the Citizens do not get fair & affordable justice then … they may instead of following the rule of law, take the law in to their own hands”.
(The news items dated 29-01-2000 were carried in Amar Ujala & Aaj of Kanpur )
At various forums, the Chief Justices of India as well as other Hon’ble Judges have voiced their concern saying that the Government is not appointing the required number of Judges and is also not giving the required Infrastructure. It is true that at least ten times the present strength is required. In Pakistan having just about 15 % of population as compared to India , there are about nineteen serving Supreme Court Judges while our Constitution provides for a maximum strength of about 27 or 28 instead, it ought to have provided for a minimum number rather than for maximum.
The result is that many languages and states of the Country may not even find representation in the Supreme Court. Thus from the beginning it seems the Rulers did not want the Country to have an effective Judiciary. All the essentials of life i.e. Education, Health Services, Land for Housing and Occupations, in Cities have been allowed by the Governments to fall in to the hands of the Mafia and it is not providing Infrastructure for an effective Judiciary.
Out of the above, The Government is the biggest Mafia, controlling Land, specially Urban Land, acquiring it at throw away prices on a large scale & thereafter hoarding it and releasing it in small quantities, slowly, driving up the prices and profiteering, a la- Sukhhi Lala of the Film Mother India who used to hoard the grain and then ask for the Honor of the women who wanted grain to feed their Children.
There has grown an all pervading Sense of Gloom and In-Security amongst the Masses in the Country.
The Senior Officers of the Army are being charged with crimes of selling off petrol during transportation & instead, carrying water in its tankers & dumping in the fuel dump(case reported from Jammu recently) then there was the News of selling off of subsidized Liquor of Army Canteens, in to the open market by Army Generals. There has been embezzlements in purchase of Army Rations, Pulses and meat & underweight Eggs as well. Such a situation is deplorable but how does one expect a well read, sophisticated Army Officer to pay for the professional education (Medical/Engineering/MBA) of his Children which can presently cost about Rs twenty-thirty lakhs per person in India. How can he buy a House for himself which in keeping with his status can cost upwards of several Crores in a good-sized City. We are not paying him that kind of a Salary? Therefore by allowing for large-scale speculation in land as well as surrendering the Education & Health services to the Mafia forces the Governments have destroyed the Institution of the Army as well.
Therefore I am aware that alongside the suffering masses of India, People of the Judiciary are also the Victims of the wrong policies of the Governments and many of the Judges at the lower Court Levels along with the Advocates practicing there are also struggling to meet both ends meet. The same may be the situation with respect to many advocates in the High Courts of a few Northern States and even the Judiciary is not free from this sense of Insecurity.
Other than the resignations en- masse by the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, there is no other way to force the Government to provide for at least ten times the number of Judges as well as the required Infrastructure. That is the only way by which the Governments will be pressurized to act.
Therefore I appeal to those of you , who, have the financial security of their own and not dependant on the Government for it & who have their Children well settled in life, to resign & force the Government to provide the Required Infrastructure & fix a time limit for disposal of various types of cases so that at least 95 % of the cases in all the High Courts/Supreme Court/Consumer Commissions /Consumer forums are decided after full study of files, in maximum 100 days and at least, 95 % of the cases in the lower Courts are finally decided in maximum 200 days.
Although in the past I have said many uncomplimentary things about the Judiciary but recent happenings have made me think again. As per News Item dated 28th October-2007, in the presence of the Ex Chief Justice of India Shri V. N. Khare, it was observed that the Rulers want to keep the Judiciary handicapped by not providing the required Infrastructure. In view of the above I have decided to Appeal to your good Conscience. I have further decided to devote the rest of my life to achieve the above Objective & raise my voice & undertake a Nyaya-Yatra, to secure Fast & efficient justice for all in India.
This letter is being sent first to the Chief Justice of India only thereafter it will be sent to other Judges.
I remain Yours Sincerely
(Robby Sharma)