Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ram Setu -The Controversy

Ram Setu -the Controversy about it
Ram Setu or the Bridge built by Ram to cross over from Rameshwaram to Lanka has been in the news recently and the short point which the Powers that be( the learned Congressmen, Marxists and the so called Westernized Scholars and Historians and Officers of ASI) have made is that it is not made by Humans and instead it is a natural structure made of shoals of sand and rocks , which, presently, at some places is three feet under the Sea and at other places, it is thirty feet under the Sea. Now let us assume that they are right now even then does it take any thing away from the story of Ram. At the time of Ram, which was in the Treta yuga of ? (which) manvantar i.e which Chaturyugi (present I think but not sure is the fourteenth manvantar), the Sea may have been shallower at that time and in that event, the shoals may have been at certain places above the Sea and at certain places below it and if the Sea was deeper then too in that event, the shoals must have been more than three feet to thirty feet(the present state) below the Sea and in both cases to cross over to Lanka would have required considerable skill and engineering feat by way of filling the troughs and the gaps, leveling it, may be also cementing it, for several miles for the Army (including whatever Vehicles were used at that time) to cross over. Now would such a feat not be called the Building of a Bridge and given the Antiquity of the period, which may be several millions of years, it may be impossible (although no survey has till now been done) to find the traces of the Rocks/boulders/Cement used in its buildings(probably washed away, how many traces of the bridges built by modern technology do you reckon you will be able to find after fifty thousand years….may be none…here we are talking of millions of years). The very fact that NASA has found the Ram Setu (which even they have called as Adams Bridge) exactly at the spot where Ram is said to have crossed the Sea as mentioned in our History books, proves the historicity of Ram, which the westernized so called Historians it would be better to address them as ba******s have failed to appreciate.
Although I am sure that Ram, who used knowledge and Science and modern weaponry at every stage of his life and mission would not have minded if his descendents (in the present age) actually and genuinely needed to break the bridge built by him if it is really and genuinely for the benefit of Mankind. Such a thought can be harbored only by those in the present age, who would rather take us back to the middle and barbaric age. Then there is also the theory that the Bridge helped in saving large parts of India from Sunami therefore the need of the hour is to tread cautiously and make the necessary investigation and then if really necessary, to go ahead on the path of advancement and name the project after and dedicate it to Ram.
While the so called learned Historians of India never loose an opportunity to make fun of the Historicity and Scientific brilliance of ancient India and to belittle the Hindu (Sanatan Dharma), here is what the established stalwarts of the Western world think about India and the Hindus:-

Here is what Count Louis Hamon,1866-1936, better known to millions as “Cheiro”, who was considered as the greatest and most successful Astrologer Palmist of the Western World , has to say about the Hindus, in his Book “THE CHEIRO BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE”:-
“To consider the origin of this Science, we must take our thoughts to the earliest days of the world’s History, and further more to the consideration of a people the oldest of all, yet one that has survived the fall of Empires, Nations and Dynasties, and who are today as characteristic and full of individuality as they were when thousands of years ago the first records of history were written. I allude to those children of the East, the HINDUS, a people whose philosophy and wisdom are every day being more and more revived……….
“As regards the people who first understood and practiced the study of the hand, we find undisputed proofs of their learning and knowledge. Long before Rome or Greece or Israel was even heard of, the Mountains of India point back to an age of learning beyond, and still beyond. From the Astronomical calculations that the figures in their Temples represent, it has been estimated that the Hindus understood the precession of the Equinoxes centuries before the Christian era. In some of the ancient cave temples, the mystic figures of the Sphinx silently tell that such knowledge had been possessed and used in advance of all those Nations afterwards so celebrated for their learning. It has been demonstrated that to make a change from one sign to another in the Zodiacal course of the Sun must have occupied at the least 2,140 years, and how many centuries elapsed before such change came to be observed and noticed, it is impossible even to estimate.”…..
“The intellectual power which was necessary to make such observations speaks for itself ;and yet it is to such a people that we trace the origin of the study under consideration. With the spread of the Hindu Teachings into other lands do we trace the spread of the knowledge of Palmistry. The Hindu Vedas are the oldest scriptures that have been found, and according to some authorities they have been the foundation of even the Greek School of learning.”…
“When we consider that Palmistry is the Offspring of Such a Race , We should for such a reason alone at least treat it with respect,……As the wisdom of this great Race , spread far and wide across the earth,”. ……………
“This brings us down to the period when the power of the Church was beginning to be felt outside the domain and Jurisdiction of religion. It is said that the early fathers were jealous of the power of this old-world Science. Such may or may not have been the case; but even in the present day we find that the Church constitutes itself in all matters, both spiritual and temporal, the chosen Oracle of GOD. Without wishing to seem intolerant, one can not help but remark that the history of any dominant religion is the history of the opposition to knowledge, unless that knowledge proceeds from its teachings.”…..
Here is the Extract from the book “History of India as told by its own Historians”, Volume-I, by Sir H. M. Elliot and Professor John Dowson page-42 chapter VII early Arab Geographers” The extract which follows is taken from the Jamiut Tawarikh of Rashidu-d Din which was completed in A.D.1310 which again is based on earlier authorities,(much before Tulsidas, who, say the communists and the westernized Historians invented Ram)…….. page-66.. “then Kanji, then Darud(dravid), where there is a great gulf, in which is Sinkaldip, or the island of Sarandip. In its neighborhood is Tanjawar which is in ruins, and the king of that country has built another city on the shore, called Padmar; then to Umalna, ten ;then to Rameshar, opposite to Sarandip, from which it is distant by water twelve parasangs. From Tanjawar to Rameshar is forty Parasangs; From Rameshar to Set Bandhai which means the Bridge of the Sea, is two parasangs—and that Band, or embankment was made by Ram, son of Dasrat as a passage to the fort of Lank.
Here are some extracts from Volume-VI of The History Of India by Elliot and Dowson about early use of Gunpowder, guns , cannons and Missiles in India which (the present day historians say was invented by the Chinese) page-470:--“ It isprobable that the indications we have of the early use of fiery missiles in the ancient Indian warfare, refer more to rockets than cannons andwe will proceedfurther to consider the natureof these weapons. Manu, quoted by Elphinstone, prohibits the use of Fire-arrows.” The Magistrate shall not make war with any deceitful machine, or with poisoned weapons, or with cannon and guns, or any kind of fire-arms.”…….page-470.. “ The word Fire-arms is literally the Sanskrit Agniaster (a weapon of fire)….. “among several extraordinary properties of this weapon, one was that after it had taken its flight, it divided in to several separate streams of flame, each of which took effect, and which once kindled could not be extinguished; but this kind of Agniaster is now lost.” They are wrong it has been reinvented now as Multi warhead Missiles. “ He then goes on to say, that cannon is called Shataghnee, or weapon which kills one hundred men at once.”… page-472 “ the Harivansaspeaks of the fiery weapon thus: King Sagara having received the Fire-arms from Bhrgava, conquered the World.” ……. page-473.. “Arjuna, the destroyer of hostile chiefs, having heard Krishna’s language, and having washed his hands, discharged his Bramastra against that of his antagonist. The fury of the two fiery darts acting against each other , overspread the heavens and earth , and waxed strong like the burning rays of the Sun. The three worlds were illuminated by the great light of the two weapons; the inhabitants were all burnt, and believed the end of the world to be at hand.” ….. page-475.. “In this place observation may be drawn to the very singular relation of a Combustible, which occurs in the Extract from the Mujmalu-t Tawarikh (vol I. P-107), where we read that Brahmans counseled Hal to have a Elephant made of clay and to place it in the van of his army , and when the Army of the king of Kashmir drew nigh, the Elephant exploded and the flames destroyed a great portion of the invading force. Here we have not only the simple act of explosion, but something very like a fuze, to enable the explosion to occur at a particular period. The testimony is valuable, for the work was translated as early as A.D 1126 from Arabic, which had been translated a century previous from a Sanskrit original, even then acknowledged to be very old…… we have other Eastern stories, all bearing much the same character, and all composed long before the invention of gunpowder; and, therefore, the writers had no opportunity of applying modern knowledge to the history of a more remote era.”… Note: the present day Time bombs, Car bombs and the like……….page-477… “ Philostratus says: “Had Alexander passed the Hyphasis, he never could have made himself master of the fortified habitation of these sages. Should an enemy make war on them, they drive him off by means of tempest and thunders, as if sent down from heaven………Themistius also mentions the Brahmans fighting at a distance, with lightning and thunders” ……….. page-478… “ In the apocryphal letter of Alexander to Aristotle, we find mention made of terrific flashes of flame, which he beheld showered on his army on the burning plains of India”.
I have written about some other scientific facts mentioned in our History books(Scriptures) in my article Hindu (sanatan Dharma), science and protection of nature, on my blogs on and on http:// as well as on NSIT lounge.